African servals are not anything like a house cat, and bond to only one family their entire life, they are not easy house pets, please take deep consideration and education before comitting to one of these beautiful animals. Watch the video below to understand all the risks & expectations of owning one.
If you are looking for a F1 Savannah Cat for sale, which is a hybrid serval go to the website below, legal in nearly every state and make great house pets.
Only message us if you live in a state legal to own african serval.

We only place our African Serval kittens in LEGAL states.
If you are looking for a african serval cat for sale :
Do not contact us unless you have valid proof of residency in Alabama , Arkansas , North Carolina, South Carolina, Nevada , Wisconsin , Texas , Kentucky, Kansas, Illinois, Washington, Tennesee, West Virginia, , Indiana and Delaware. No permit is required in Louisana, Illinois, Washington, Tennessee, West Virginia, Michigan, Indiana , Kansas Delaware, Oklahoma, Louisiana.
You can obtain a license to own a Serval in the following states , Pennsylvania, Ohio, , and Florida.
Top Quality Pet Servals
African Servals can be incredible pets but, how they are raised is critical, especially the first 8 weeks. Our african serval kittens are pulled from the mother as early as possible, and under 24/7 supervision and cuddles so that they are very human imprinted. We bottle feed our serval kittens 5x a day, and have them sleep next to us.
We breed out any agressive behavior and only sell well-behaved quality servals from pet quality parents.
We strive to to raise the most domesticated pet african servals as possible.
We have been serval cat breeders for over 15 years.
partner website:
Servals are not legal to own in many US States.
Check your local laws before contacting us.
We are Serval cat breeders and our kittens are family to us. We are positive they will become the perfect addition to your family.
Our kittens are just as healthy as they are cute! We bring quality Servals . Contact us to facetime our kittens today.

The negatives of owning a serval!
Servals can develop timid and shy behavior around strangers. The males can get extremely large up to 50 lbs! You should own your home before you comit to buying a serval , as they are not legal to own in many states and cant easily be rehomed - as they will be aggresive in their new home with new owners, they will only be loving to the family that raised them / or as long as the family that raised them is around. For example if you leave town and need someone to feed your big cat - they will likely be agressive ! Servals are also known to spray all over the house / outdoor enclosures and early neutering is highly recommended. If these things scare you, we recommend looking at a F1 Savannah from F1savannahkittens.com
The positives of owning a serval!
Servals unlike other cats even F1s have the most unique and loving personality that cant be mirrored even in the first generation. They are extremely bonded to their owners; playful and funny! They love to follow you in the shower , swim , goof around , groom you , follow you everywhere and they always prefer to sleep with you then alone. There is truly no connection like a connection to a african serval cat. But please, raise them correctly ! Or be ready to face a nightmare.
What do African Serval cats eat?
Start them on ground beef and chicken with no bones until older. Use wildtraxsupply taurine supplement with a procal calcium. As they get bigger you can start to feed bones. Mainly chicken, beef. Gizzards and other meats are good supplements. Some fish as treats.
How to raise a serval?
* let your kitten sleep in your bed or in your room in the least
* Never let your kitten bite scratch or claw without discpline
* Bottle feed for as long as possible! Do not skip this!
What is a good treat?
They like sliced oscar mayer turkey bacon.
Always discpline from biting!
Small amounts of anxiety is beneficial for young animals!!! Stress tests/ things that would make them cry , example being in a travel carrier
No concrete grounds until 4 months
Bottle feeding - 4-5x a day until starts chewing nipple be very careful kitten doesnt eat it
Pet while bottle feeding
Bond after feeding, let kitten lick you/ put near face
Start leash training early as possible!!! They can learn but are stubborn
Teach recall with treats - turkey sliced ham small portions
At all times your cat should have a safe place , either a big dark kennel or preferably his own room as a adult
When bottle feeding dont let use claws
Retract claws a lot and trim nails as they are young.Pet everywhere all the time head and belly too
Scruff for teaching / punishing
When bottle feeding make sure they are standing up and drinking slow so they dont exasparateEarly socialization is so important!!!
**Introduce to as many people , childrens, cats and dogs as possible
**Do not let free roam your house when you are not home!! Leave them in the crate otherwise they will develop their own personality.
a light smack on the nose is okay as if you were another cat
Act like a cat!! Even purring can make your kitty purr , you want them to purrr as much as possible as a kitten!
Small amounts of anxiety growing up will give you a well rounded cat, caging, car rides, big animals, being high up etc so forth
Challenge your kitten every day
Get Embrace pet insurance
Do not let them climb stair railings they can breakt their leg.
Kiss kitten a lot on the nose as they grow up as a method of calming
They use Small boxes with little light as a place of comfort
Kiss his face when he purrs!!! It associates positive behavior
Pet while eating to prevent food agression.
Harness for leash training